Graphiques par TradingView
Courtier de l'offre | Taille de l'offre | $Prix de l'offre | $Prix de la demande | Taille de la demande | Courtier de la demande |
Date/Heure | $Prix | $Changement | Volume | Acheteur | Vendeur |
10 mars • 15:53:19 | 1.29 | -0.12 | 600 | RBC Capital Markets | TD Securities Inc. |
10 mars • 15:53:19 | 1.29 | -0.12 | 800 | RBC Capital Markets | TD Securities Inc. |
10 mars • 15:53:19 | 1.29 | -0.12 | 1,400 | RBC Capital Markets | TD Securities Inc. |
10 mars • 15:53:19 | 1.29 | -0.12 | 400 | RBC Capital Markets | TD Securities Inc. |
10 mars • 15:27:03 | 1.30 | -0.11 | 200 | TD Securities Inc. | CIBC World Markets Inc. |
NetraMark Holdings is an AI healthtech company focused on addressing both acute and non-acute brain-centric conditions. We have developed an ecosystem of innovative products that directly support brain-related conditions. Our world-renowned team and partners are disrupting traditional mental wellness treatments and are positioned at the forefront of critical research and innovations. NetraMark, a wholly owned subsidiary of NetraMark Holdings Inc., is providing proprietary next-generation AI solutions for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies across the spectrum of disease. The company is based in Toronto, Ontario. For more information, visit