Logo for Treatment.com AI Inc.

Treatment.com AI Inc.

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À propos

Treatment.com AI Inc.

Date d'inscription
19 avril 2021

Treatment.com AI is a company utilizing AI to positively disrupt the healthcare sector and impact current inefficiencies and challenges. Over the past 7+ years and with the input of hundreds of healthcare professionals globally, Treatment.com AI has built the world’s most intelligent, personalized healthcare AI engine, the Global Library of Medicine (GLM). Providing the highest qualified clinical information and support to all healthcare professionals, the GLM delivers >92%+ accuracy on first diagnosis as well as providing recommended tests (physical and lab), x-rays, and billing codes. The platform’s quality and transparency are unrivaled, as the GLM provides an explanation of every step and likelihood associated with every symptom. Treatment.com AI also focuses on the next generation of healthcare professionals supporting Medical and Nursing schools, who utilize the GLM to help enhance the future clinical skills of their students. Treatment.com AI is focused on using AI for good and utilizing its GLM platform to bring the possibility of health equity and inclusion for disenfranchised communities.