Logo for Asante Gold Corporation

Asante Gold Corporation

Émis et en Circulation501,086,895
Réservé pour Émission35,875,500
CSE Indice

À propos

Asante Gold Corporation

Date d'inscription
28 mai 2015

Asante Gold Corporation (CSE:ASE / FRANKFURT:1A9) is a Vancouver, Canada based gold exploration and development company. Our current focus is Ghana, West Africa where we have announced plans to develop our Kubi Gold Project as a 650 tpd underground gold mine under the former AngloGold Ashanti open pit Kubi Gold Mine. Senior management and advisors have been active in Ghana since 1993 and have been responsible for the acquisition and discovery of some 11 million ounces of insitu gold resources. Kubi adjoins to the south of AngloGold Ashanti's 66 million ounce* Obuasi Gold Mine, one of the World's greatest orebodies (* pre-mining resource, source company annual reports). We also hold: the Keyhole and Betenase options and the Fahiakoba exploration project located in the centre of Ghana's Golden Triangle.