Logo for BetterLife Pharma  Inc.

BetterLife Pharma Inc.

Émis et en Circulation129,463,096
Réservé pour Émission75,262,768
CSE IndiceCSE Composite


Dernier Prix0.090.005 (5.88%)
Taille de l'offre51,000
Prix de l'offre0.085
Prix de la demande0.10
Taille de la demande78,000
Clôture précédente0.085
Haut du jour0.09
Bas du jour0.09
Haut de 52 semaines0.195
Bas de 52 semaines0.08

BetterLife Pharma Inc.

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À propos

BetterLife Pharma Inc.

Date d'inscription
19 décembre 2017

BetterLife Pharma Inc. is an emerging biotechnology company primarily focused on developing and commercializing two compounds, BETR-001 and BETR-002, to treat neuro-psychiatric and neurological disorders.

BETR-001, which is in preclinical and IND-enabling studies, is a non-hallucinogenic and non-controlled LSD derivative in development and it is unique in that it is unregulated and therefore can be self-administered. BetterLife’s synthesis patent for BETR-001 eliminates regulatory hurdles and its pending patent for composition and method of use covers treatment of depression, cluster headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder and other neuro-psychiatric and neurological disorders.

BETR-002, which is in preclinical and IND-enabling studies, is based on honokiol, the active anxiolytic ingredient of magnolia bark. BetterLife’s pending method of use and formulations patent covers treatment of anxiety related disorders including benzodiazepine dependency.

BetterLife also owns a drug candidate for the treatment of viral infections  and is in the process of seeking strategic alternatives for further development.