Graphiques par TradingView
Courtier de l'offre | Taille de l'offre | $Prix de l'offre | $Prix de la demande | Taille de la demande | Courtier de la demande |
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New Wave Esports is an esports and competitive gaming company that provides capital and support services to esports organizations, teams, leagues, events, platforms, tools, and technology innovators.
The Company’s vision is to drive, energize, and accelerate the global growth of esports and competitive gaming, including affiliated companies, organizations, and technologies with the goal of enhancing experiences for players, fans, industry professionals, and investors.
New Wave Esports plays a pivotal role in enhancing all aspects of the industry. They do this by opening the doors of opportunity for future growth in esports and competitive gaming.
The Company has leadership teams located in Toronto, Ontario and Los Angeles, California.