Logo for Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Émis et en Circulation49,488,704
Réservé pour Émission14,267,585
CSE Indice

À propos

Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Date d'inscription
31 octobre 2018

Northern Lights Resources Corp is a growth-oriented exploration and development company that is currently advancing two projects: The 100% owned, Secret Pass Gold Project located in Arizona. 

In December 2022 the Company sold its remaining 25 % option on the Medicine Springs, a high grade silver-zinc-lead Project located in Elko County Nevada to Reyna Silver Corp of Vancouver for 6,000,000 common shares of Reyna Silver Corp, US $100,000 in cash and a 1% NSR.

Northern Lights Resources trades under the ticker of “NLR” on the CSE. This and other Northern Lights Resources news releases and project details can be viewed at www.sedar.com  and www.northernlightsresources.com.