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Plus Products Inc.

Issued & Outstanding48,418,199
Reserved for Issuance12,880,737
CSE Index


Plus Products Inc.

Listing Date
October 25, 2018

PLUS Products (the "Company" or "PLUS") is a California-based hemp and cannabis food company focused on using nature to bring balance to consumers lives. PLUS’s mission is to make cannabis safe and approachable – that begins with high-quality products that deliver consistent consumer experiences.

PLUS is a leading brand in the California THC edibles market and recently launched a national hemp CBD product line that is available across 43 states in the U.S. 

The Company is headquartered in San Mateo, CA with 70 employees.


Investor Note: The Issued and Outstanding number in the Capitalization table below assumes the decompression of PLUS's Proportionate Voting shares, which are compressed on a 100 to 1 basis in both economic and voting rights and the compression of PLUS's Class B Common Shares which are expanded on a 1 to 200 basis in both economic and voting rights.