Logo for Acme Gold Company Limited

Acme Gold Company Limited

Issued & Outstanding13,095,001
Reserved for Issuance7,895,000
CSE Index


Acme Gold Company Limited

Listing Date
May 24, 2022

Acme Gold Company Limited ("Acme'), is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets in Canada. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct its exploration program on its mineral properties. Acme acquired by staking a 100% interest in two contiguous mineral claims covering 3,314 hectares (the “Old Fort Property”) located in the Babine District of northern British Columbia, approximately 22 km north of the village of Granisle, BC. Acme acquired the Old Fort Property for its potential to host porphyry copper gold mineralization similar to that seen elsewhere in the Babine District.