Logo for Slave Lake Zinc Corp.

Slave Lake Zinc Corp.

Issued & Outstanding56,127,210
Reserved for Issuance24,747,000
CSE Index


Slave Lake Zinc Corp.

Listing Date
November 07, 2018

Slave Lake Zinc has developed a significant land holding in the under-explored South Slave Region of the NWT. With the “Collaboration” of the Northwest Territory Métis Nation and the assistance of the other Indigenous groups representing the stake holders of the South Slave, the historic O'Connor Lake Zinc-Lead (critical metals) deposit is well situated for an advanced stage of exploration. O’Connor Lake Zinc, Lead, Critical Metals deposits are ready to be expanded to the next phase of development. Slave Lake Zinc is a company that was set up as a public company, to explore and expand the historic O’Connor Lake Zinc, Lead, deposit first developed and subsequently closed due to poor economics in the early 1950's. With having negotiated the withdrawal of an additional 18,841 acres surrounding the original grandfathered lease and with the blessing of all levels of government as well as the stake holders of the land, we (Slave Lake Zinc) are ready and prepared to advance this historic mine with modern techniques to fulfill the potential of the withdrawal for the benefit of the stake holders and shareholders of Slave Lake Zinc.