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Abitibi Metals Corp.

Issued & Outstanding110,029,087
Reserved for Issuance4,017,801
CSE Index


Abitibi Metals Corp.

Listing Date
March 09, 2020

Abitibi Metals Corp. is a Quebec-focused mineral acquisition and exploration company focused on the development of quality base and precious metal properties that are drill-ready with high-upside and expansion potential. Abitibi’s portfolio of strategic properties provides target-rich diversification and includes the high-grade B26 Polymetallic Copper Deposit (Ind: 7.0MT @ 2.94% Cu Eq & Inf: 4.4MT @ 2.97% Cu Eq) and the Beschefer Gold Project, where historical drilling has identified 4 historical intercepts with a metal factor of over 100 g/t gold highlighted by 55.63 g/t gold over 5.57 metres and 13.07 g/t gold over 8.75 metres amongst four modelled zones.