Logo for Braxia Scientific Corp.

Braxia Scientific Corp.

Issued & Outstanding263,708,938
Reserved for Issuance92,627,222
CSE Index


Braxia Scientific Corp.

Listing Date
February 27, 2020

Braxia Scientific Corp.  is a medical solutions company that aims to reduce the illness burden of brain-based mental disorders (e.g., major depressive disorder). Its operations are primarily focused on (i) owning and operating multidisciplinary clinics providing treatment for mental health disorders and (ii) research activities related to discovering and commercializing novel drugs and delivery methods. 

Braxia Scientific develops ketamine and psilocybin derivatives and other psychedelic products from the Company’s IP development platform. Braxia Scientific, through Braxia Health,  operates multidisciplinary community-based clinics offering rapid-onset treatments for depression located in Mississauga, Toronto, Ottawa, Kitchener and Montreal.