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Geologica Resource Corp.

Issued & Outstanding32,932,653
Reserved for Issuance8,596,995
CSE Index


Geologica Resource Corp.

Listing Date
October 25, 2022

Geologica Resource Corp. is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of high grade deposits of metals critical to the electrification of the planet and precious metals, specifically copper and gold. Our exploration focus is currently to advance the Topley Copper Project, located east of Smithers B.C. in the highly prospective Babine Lake Porphyry Area on trend with the past producing Granisle and Bell copper mines as well as the recent NAK discovery. The Topley copper property is surrounded by operating mines and deposits. The Topley Property contains the Cortina, Pro, Jill and Chris showings as well as the Tachi prospect. Recent area wide exploration has identified new copper and gold anomalies at Topley.