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Green Growth Brands Inc.

Associated Securities:
Issued & Outstanding206,518,077
Reserved for Issuance27,985,741
CSE Index


Green Growth Brands Inc.

Listing Date
April 19, 2018

The Company is a lifestyle oriented, consumer products company that celebrates health, wellness and happiness.  We are in the business of cultivation, processing and retailing of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabidol, cannabidiol (“CBD”) and cannabis-infused consumer products.  Over the next 12 months, the Company intends to expand its retail and wholesale cannabis businesses as well as its CBD consumer products business through a combination of strategic partnerships, merger and acquisition activity, and organic license capture.  The Company’s objectives are to establish retail cannabis locations, or otherwise apply for such licenses, in various states within that timeframe, pursuant to state laws.  Such activity will focus on those certain states where cannabis has been legalized for medical and/or recreational use at the state level.