Logo for Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc.

Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc.

Issued & Outstanding61,495,676
Reserved for Issuance17,815,808
CSE Index


Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc.

Listing Date
October 05, 2023

Integrated Cyber is a managed security service provider (MSSP) that humanizes cybersecurity managed services to the Small-to-Medium Business (SMB) and Small-to-Medium Enterprise (SME) sectors. They integrate capabilities from third-party cybersecurity providers, allowing companies to continuously adapt their services to evolving technologies and providers – ensuring customers have access to the latest cybersecurity solutions. Apart from providing essential cybersecurity services, Integrated Cyber's managed services and IC360 technology platform consolidate vast amounts of information to generate actionable intelligence from the numerous software point solutions within their customer's environments. The results enable simple, understandable, and actionable insights to help customers comprehend and better secure their organization. Integrated Cyber greatly emphasizes the human aspect of cybersecurity management, simplifying complex concepts, and highlighting the crucial role that employee behavior plays in a company's cyber defenses