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Metaverse Capital Corp.

Issued & Outstanding774,708,933
Reserved for Issuance87,831,802
CSE Index


Metaverse Capital Corp.

Listing Date
July 18, 2018

With blockchain technology rapidly re-shaping the models of many companies, industries, and their business processes, Global Blockchain Mining Corp. ("FORK") places a focus on the common needs of early-stage blockchain adopters. Originally founded with a focus on crypto-mining, FORK has recently diversified its offerings by placing an emphasis on professional services such as developing and administering launches of tokens and digital assets. Adapting to changes in blockchain technology, FORK is also now utilizing its computing power to provide consensus services, such as the operation of masternodes, servicenodes, and witnesses which are alternative methods to cryptocurrency mining for generating and acquiring digital assets. . Investors, through their investment in the Company, are provided with exposure to these tokens, cryptocurrencies and digital assets without the lengthy, and complicated process that interested investors must undergo in order to gain exposure to these cryptocurrencies and digital assets.