Logo for SponsorsOne Inc.

SponsorsOne Inc.

Issued & Outstanding1,993,742,722
Reserved for Issuance321,601,653
CSE Index


SponsorsOne Inc.

Listing Date
December 23, 2013

SponsorsOne Inc. (the “Company”) creates Premium brands of tomorrow, digitally native and data-driven with direct engagement from the customer through social media and other digital channels. The Company attempts to meet the very demanding needs of the Millennial customer with elevated products and speed to market.  The Company is focused on two segments, Adult Beverage and Wellness.  The Company has developed an Omni Channel distribution strategy which it manages internally for the Brands we create.    This includes Direct to Consumer (“DTC”) sales and delivery right to the door of the Millennial.  Additionally, the Company has built an international wholesale distribution channel to have its products placed within the retail stores throughout our operating territory.  The Company expects to have both DTC and Wholesale/Retail channels operating to meet the real-time demand of the Millennial customer, giving them many purchase options for our Brands. With the focus on the Millennials who are digitally connected to social media,  the Company can engage and build communities around each of our Brands, potentially fueling sales, marketing, and new Brand creation.