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Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc.

Issued & Outstanding38,722,154
Reserved for Issuance140,625
CSE Index


Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc.

Listing Date
August 29, 2018

Charlotte’s Web Holdings, Inc. is the market leader in the production and distribution of innovative hemp-derived cannabidiol (“CBD”) wellness products. Founded by the Stanley Brothers, the Company’s premium quality products start with proprietary hemp genetics that are responsibly manufactured into hemp-derived CBD extracts naturally containing a full spectrum of phytocannabinoids, including CBD, terpenes, flavonoids and other beneficial hemp compounds. Industrial hemp products are non-intoxicating. Charlotte’s Web product categories include CBD Oil tinctures (liquid products), CBD capsules, CBD topicals, as well as CBD pet products.  Charlotte’s Web hemp-derived CBD extracts are sold through select distributors, regional and national brick and mortar retailers, as well as online through the Company’s website at www.CharlottesWeb.com. The rate the Company pays for agricultural products reflects a fair and sustainable rate driving higher quality yield, encouraging good farming practices, and supporting U.S. farming communities.

Charlotte’s Web is a socially conscious company and is committed to using business as a force for good and a catalyst for innovation. The Company weighs sound business decisions with consideration for how its efforts affect its employees, customers, the environment, and the communities where its employees live and where it does business, while maximizing profits and strengthening its brands. The Company’s management believes that socially oriented actions have a positive impact on the Company, its employees and its shareholders. Charlotte’s Web donates a portion of its pre-tax earnings to charitable organizations.

As at May 15, 2019 Charlotte’s Web has 38,722,154 Common Shares outstanding and 140,625.58 Proportionate Voting Shares convertible at 400:1, for an effective equivalent of 94,972,386 Common Shares outstanding.

Shares of Charlotte’s Web trade on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol “CWEB” and in the United States on the OTCQX under the symbol “CWBHF”. 

Fully diluted shares includes Common Stock and Common Stock Equivalents plus any Options or Warrants that are outstanding for a total of 106,605,144 fully diluted.