Logo for Radiko Holdings Corp.

Radiko Holdings Corp.

Issued & Outstanding459,112,450
Reserved for Issuance118,325,870
CSE Index


Radiko Holdings Corp.

Listing Date
September 25, 2017

Radiko Holdings Corp., (Radiko) is a CBD and cannabis focused brand portfolio, leveraging the potential of the plant by offering best of breed products that naturally complement today’s consumer lifestyles. The Company’s mission is to build and market a diversified portfolio of cannabis and CBD brands, with strategic manufacturing and distribution partnerships to support better EBITDA and margins. Radiko markets products with THC content where that practice has been legalized at the state level through either medicinal or full recreational use. Radiko also markets products containing CBD in the US and internationally. The Company believes as the legal cannabis and CBD markets evolve, high-quality, unique products will increasingly capture market share and provide a valuable platform for growth.