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Global Compliance Applications Corp.

Issued & Outstanding285,608,059
Reserved for Issuance48,664,482
CSE Index


Global Compliance Applications Corp.

Listing Date
September 18, 2014

Global Compliance Applications Corp. ("GCAC") is a global leader in designing and developing innovative blockchain technologies and machine learning solutions to improve real-world businesses. The company's leading solution is Efixii, an Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain and EVM programming functionality that is on par with other Layer-2s, such as Polygon. GCAC can quickly connect each participant from product producers, distributors, manufacturers and retailers through a series of value chain dApps that allows for data connectivity to drive better consumer experiences and sales. The company created clearESG to assist businesses in communicating their sustainability goals and earned attributes on the blockchain through a series of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) merit badges. As an interconnected supply chain solution, the Efixii solution pays tokens for attesting to a product's value, or truthness, through a reward program. GCAC works in many agricultural industries providing a value-added blockchain offering through a cost-effective SaaS licensing model.