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Plaintree Systems Inc. (“Plaintree” or the “Company”) operates an Electronics division, consisting of Summit Aerospace USA Inc. (“Summit Aerospace”) and Hypernetics and a Specialty Structures division (the Triodetic business) and Spotton Corporation. Plaintree is a diversified company with proprietary technologies and manufacturing capabilities in structural design and aerospace. The Triodetic business is a design/build manufacturer of steel, aluminum, and stainless-steel specialty structures such as commercial domes, free form structures, barrel vaults, space frames, and industrial dome coverings. Summit Aerospace specializes in the high-end machining of super-alloys for the aircraft and helicopter markets. Hypernetics has been providing high tolerance, ruggedized custom engineered electromagnetic solutions to the aerospace industry since 1972. Spotton’s business involves the design and manufacture of high-end custom hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders for the industrial, automation and oil and gas markets.