Ensures a two-sided market during primary market continuous trading and at the opening match for the CSE listed symbols on their assigned securities.
Ensures a spread is maintained that satisfies a goal set at the time of the Market Maker’s application for symbol assignment.
Provides additional liquidity to the retail trading community with an automated guaranteed minimum fill facility.
Ensures that their assigned securities have volume at the national best bid and offer for a defined amount of time each day.
Provides additional liquidity to assist in filling tradable odd lots through an automated odd lot execution facility.
Trading irregularities must be reported to the CSE and CIRO (IIROC/MFDA) to ensure an orderly trading environment.
The GMF1 facility is an automatic execution facility designed to benefit investors by providing guaranteed fills when there is a quote in the CLOB2 at the NBBO3. This only occurs when there is insufficient liquidity to provide a complete fill for an investor’s order. The GMF is subject to maximum size and qualification criteria. It supports all CSE listed securities with assigned Market Makers.
Measures the Market Maker’s success in maintaining pre-agreed spread goals.
Measures a Market Maker’s success in meeting a pre-determined percentage of time for top-of-book presence and maintaining an orderly two-sided market.
Dealers’ past performance in meeting their market making obligations on the CSE is factored into the ongoing evaluation.
First Canadian Place,
100 King Street West, Suite 7210
Toronto ON, Canada – M5X 1E1
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