Fees, Policies & Forms

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Listing Fees

A. Equity Securities

Fees for Listing Applicants and Listed Companies

The Canadian Securities Exchange (“CSE” or “Exchange”) announces changes to its listing fee schedule. New Listing Application fees are effective immediately, and monthly fee changes will be effective January 1, 2024.

Initial Listing Fee

A non-refundable deposit of $5,000 must accompany the Listing Application, and the applicable balance is payable prior to the Listing Date.


Existing Reporting Issuer


  • Prospectus filer
  • Issuer moving from another exchange
  • Unlisted Issuer in good standing, subject to the terms of a Fundamental Change

Fundamental Change

Fundamental Change of a CSE Listed Issuer or any application for an issuer qualifying for listing through completion of a fundamental change transaction or a change of business.

Exception: For an existing CSE Listed Issuer undergoing a change of business with no major acquisition or change of control, a basic fee of $15,000 will apply.

Additional Review Fees

Applicant Not Listed Within 3 Months

An applicant not listed within three months of receiving conditional approval must pay an Additional Review Fee equal to half of the non-refundable portion of the listing fee. Following a review, the Exchange will issue an updated conditional approval letter.


Applicant Not Listed Within 6 Months

An applicant not listed within 6 months of receiving conditional approval (without an updated conditional approval), must re-submit the non-refundable portion of the listing fee.

Supplemental Listing fee

List an Additional Class of Securities

A listed company must pay a flat fee to list an additional class of securities, payable prior to the Listing Date for the securities.

Monthly Fee

The monthly maintenance fee is due on the first business day of each month the Company is listed. The first monthly fee will be due on the first day of the month following the listing date. No fee will be applied to the period between the listing date and the first monthly fee. In the event of suspension or delisting, no portion of the fee will be refunded. Each listed issuer will be assessed a monthly fee calculated as a percentage of its daily average market capitalization for the first 9 months of the previous calendar year. The first monthly fee for a Listed Issuer will be the minimum base fee of $875. Subsequent monthly fees will be calculated using the daily average market capitalization between the listing date and the second monthly fee.

For companies with restricted shares listed and one or more classes of convertible multiple voting shares outstanding, market capitalization will be calculated as if all shares had been converted to the listed class.

Fees will be determined as follows:

Market Capitalization Monthly Fee Annual Cost
$10 million or less $875 $10,500


Market Capitalization Monthly Fee Fees Calculated on an Annual Basis
Base Fee Rate Minimum Maximum
Greater than $10 million $1,000 0.001% of Market Capitalization $13,200 $125,000

Requalification Fee

A Listed Company which has had its securities suspended from trading will be required to pay a requalification fee in addition to curing the default or breach that gave rise to the suspension.

$25 per day per CSE Form

Late Filing Fee

A Listed Company which has not posted a CSE form in accordance with Exchange Policy will be required to pay $25 for each full business day the form remains outstanding subject to a maximum of $500.

Note: This fee will only apply to the CSE Form 7 Monthly Progress Report until further notice.

$200 per individual form

Form 3 Personal Information Forms

Any Form 3 – Personal Information Form (PIF) submitted by a Listed Company is subject to a fee of $200 payable at the time of submission. A PIF submitted by a listing applicant in connection with the application is not subject to this fee. All PIF submissions may be subject to additional fees in connection with background checks for individuals with residential history outside Canada and the U.S.

Note: GST or HST will be applied to all fees, as applicable.

Implementation Date

The application fees are effective immediately for applications not yet received. The increase in monthly listing fee will be implemented January 1, 2024.

Note: For a Listed Issuer that has not been listed for 12 months, the proposed Monthly Listing Fee will not be effective until the first anniversary of the listing date, unless the Listed Issuer applied for listing on or after the Implementation Date of this Fee Change.

B. Fees for Listing Structured Products


Initial Listing Fee

A non-refundable deposit of $2,000 must accompany the Listing Application, and the balance of $8,000 is payable prior to the Listing Date. The Initial Fee includes the first security of the issuer to be listed on the Exchange.


Subsequent Issues

This fee is payable upon listing, for each additional security listed on the Exchange following the initial listing. For new securities posted on an if as and when issued basis, the fee is payable on the date of issue.


Monthly Fee

The fee is based on the total value of the security. For securities with a fixed term, the fee will be determined at the time of issuance and remain fixed for the full term.

For each security: an annual rate of 6 basis points (“bps”) on the value less than or equal to $10,000,000 ($600 per $1,000,000 per annum) plus 3 bps for the value exceeding $10,000,000, divided by 12, subject to a minimum monthly fee of $100.

Note: GST or HST will be applied to all fees, as applicable.

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