Listing on the CSE

Go public with an exchange built for entrepreneurs.We strive to simplify the listing process and reduce the cost of capital for businesses and entrepreneurs around the globe. With practical and effective regulatory oversight and modern technology, the CSE provides an efficient stock exchange that fosters capital formation, liquidity, and exposure for growing companies.

Why list on the CSE?

A fair, accessible, and transparent market.

Six key attributes we consider crucial to success when listing on a public marketplace.

Start your listing journey today

List your company with the support of our experienced Listing team.
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How to List

Reducing the cost and complexity of going public with straightforward requirements and unparalleled service

Qualifying Requirements

Becoming a Reporting Issuer

To qualify for listing, a company must be a reporting issuer in good standing in any Canadian jurisdiction. Once listed, a company automatically becomes a reporting issuer in Ontario and British Columbia.

Meet Minimum Standards

Issuers must meet the minimum standards for listing outlined in CSE Policy 2: Qualification for Listing.

Ongoing Requirements


Required disclosure, documents, and forms are displayed on each company’s unique CSE disclosure page.

Periodic Reporting

Provide monthly activity reports and periodically certify that the listing is in compliance with applicable securities law.

Maintenance Fee

Pay the monthly maintenance fee.

Download our listing forms

For a more detailed view into the listing process and requirements, download and review our new listings forms.

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